托福写作分数 | 分数范围 | 任务描述 | 解析 |
托福写作5分——满分 | Score:5 | A response at this level successfully selects the important information from the lecture and coherently and accurately presents this information in relation to the relevant information presented in the reading。 The response is well organized, and occasional language errors that are present do not result in inaccurate or imprecise presentation of content or connections。 | 第一,要求考生从听力当中找寻到重要信息。第二,要清晰准确地陈述阅读和听力的关系。综合写作阅读和听力目前只考察一种关系:听力反驳阅读。第三,文章组织良好。其中文章结构框架可以用句型和模板;文章语言组织难度远低于独立写作,因为综合写作不能掺杂任何个人的观点,要求客观陈述读到和听到的内容,因此需要的主要信息均来自阅读和听力。第四,满分是可以允许有偶尔的语言小错误。很多同学困惑何为严重的语言错误,何为小错误,我们只要通过一个简单的判断:影响语义理解的都可以被看作严重错误。综合写作特别强调如果有极少量语言错误依然可以拿到满分。若追求5分满分,将听力内容记多记全,听力听得越好,拿到满分的希望越高。 |
托福写作4分——高分 | Score:4 | A response at this level is generally good in selecting the important information from the lecture and in coherently and accurately presenting this information in relation to the relevant information in the reading, but it may have minor omission, inaccuracy, vagueness, or imprecision of some content from the lecture or in connection to points made in the reading。 A response is also scored at this level if it has more frequent or noticeable minor language errors, as long as such usage and grammatical structures do not result in anything more than an occasional lapse of clarity or in the connection of ideas。 | 综合写作4分的评分标准依然先考察学生是否从听力中找寻到重要信息,并且考察是否能清晰准确地陈述阅读和听力的关系,这两点上和满分要求一致,那一分扣在哪里了呢? 4分和5分不同的地方评分标准用了一个“but”转折, 如果考生写作中出现陈述听力内容时出现小的遗漏,不精确,模糊或者不准确将被扣除1分。或者陈述阅读和听力关系有误,听力反驳阅读天然拿分,因此陈述关系的句型框架要提前准备。如:The lecturer made the point that……,which differs from the main idea in the reading that……。4分也有对语言错误的要求。总体而言,综合写作的评分对于语言的要求要低于独立写作。并不对遣词造句提出严格的要求,而只是对错误的频率和严重程度进行了界定。因此,若想综合写作不失分,谨记听力笔记,谨防听力内容写出偏差。 |
托福写作3分——中国考生平均分 | Score:3 | A response at this level contains some important information from the lecture and conveys some relevant connection to the reading, but it is marked by one or more of the following:1) Although the overall response is definitely oriented to the task, it conveys only vague, global, unclear, or somewhat imprecise connection of the points made in the lecture to points made in the reading。2) The response may omit one major key point made in the lecture。3) Some key points made in the lecture or the reading, or connections between the two, may be incomplete, inaccurate, or imprecise。4) Errors of usage and/or grammar may be more frequent or may result in noticeably vague expressions or obscured meanings in conveying ideas and connections。 | 综合写作3分依然首先要求从听力当中找寻到重要信息,并阐述听力和阅读的关系是怎样的。如果你犯了以下一个或者多个错误,就会被打到3分。其中第二项是中国考生常被扣分的原因:听力遗失一个要点将被扣除两分。综合写作听力一共有几个点呢?3个。因此,注意听力每段的主要内容,并写作时不要出现措辞偏差。 |
托福写作2-0分——低分 | Score:2 | A response at this level contains some relevant information from the lecture, but is marked by significant language difficulties or by significant omission or inaccuracy of important ideas from the lecture or in the connections between the lecture and the reading; a response at this level is marked by one or more of the following:1) The response significantly misrepresents or completely omits the overall connection between the lecture and reading。2) The response significantly omits or significantly misrepresents important points made in the lecture。3) The response contains language errors or expressions that largely obscure connections or meaning at key junctures, or that would likely obscure understanding of key ideas for a reader not already familiar with the reading and the lecture。 | 综合写作2分以下主要是因为学生没有太听懂听力。因此,考生可以用托福听力Lecture作为练习材料,每天一个小时练习听写。练到听一遍就可以记下来讲座的三个要点为止,然后再开始练习综合写作题目。 |
Score:1 | A response at this level is marked by one or more of the following:The response at this level is marked by one or more of the following:1) The response provides little or no meaningful or relevant coherent content from the lecture。2) The language level of the response is so low that it is difficult to derive meaning。 | ||
Score:0 | A response at this level merely copies sentences from the reading, rejects the topic or is otherwise not connected to the topic, is written in a foreign language, consists of keystroke characters,or is blank. |
writing rubric mean | scaled score |
5 | 30 |
4.75 | 29 |
4.5 | 28 |
4.25 | 27 |
4 | 25 |
3.75 | 24 |
3.5 | 22 |
3.25 | 21 |
3 | 20 |
2.75 | 18 |
2.5 | 17 |
2.25 | 15 |
2 | 14 |
1.75 | 12 |
1.5 | 11 |
1.25 | 10 |
1 | 8 |
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