
2022-11-29 16:11:02 来源:教育之星




针对 2-5 岁小孩做的广告是否应该被禁止。注意题目里有个特定人群(2-5 岁小孩),可以结合他们的特点来找观点理由。


1. 开头:不同意(不应该禁止这种广告)。

2. 论证段 1:广告不会影响孩子的消费观,因为 2-5 岁孩子太小,对消费没什么概念,看广告只是一种娱乐。

3. 论证段 2:广告也不会导致孩子乱花钱,因为在这个年龄段,都是家长替孩子消费,所以这些广告其实是针对家长的而不是针对孩子的。

4. 结尾:针对小孩子的广告不应该被禁止。


That television, especially commercials, is bad, however ambiguously and broadly that term is defined, for children’s development, is a misconception shared by many young parents. To be more specific, they contend that being exposed to TV commercials will instill in young children a wrong sense of consumerism or encourage them to spend money irresponsibly, although, when examining the arguments carefully, we see that neither holds water.

In the first place, it is highly possible that TV commercials may instill a sense of consumerism, that they can buy whatever they like as long as they can afford it, even if it has no utility whatsoever, in children aged two to five, provided that they have what could commonly and scientifically be described as a “sense” of anything. That they do not. Apparently the average cognitive ability of a toddler is not substantially more appreciable than that of a clever gibbon, by which I mean that they respond primarily to visual and audio stimuli, such as vibrant colors, cute images, and pleasant sounds, rather than a logistic persuasion. For example, when a young children claps his or her hand happily because he or she sees another child, in a TV commercial, gorges happily on candy, he or she is probably emphasizing with, or “made happy by”, a image or sound, which is no more different than a toddler hearing someone giggle in a weirdly high-pitched voice. It is not because he or she conscientiously “wants” to buy the candy. Therefore, even if a child is consistently stimulated by commercials targeted at young children, there is no actual worry that he or she may “pick up” of a spendthrift habit. And if not, there is no ground for banning TV commercials.

Furthermore, equally negligible is the worry that children may be motivated to spend extravagantly, for the simple reason that young children, at the age of two or five, are almost universally not allowed to control money. Think of all the purchases of kid products our parents made over the years. Who bought all those things? It was the parents who might have earnestly believed that they were buying something we liked or needed, as opposed to the children, as individual consumers, who made the decisions. Therefore, while the parents might believe that TV commercials appealed to us, they actually appealed to them. They were lead, by the commercials, to believe that they should spend a certain amount of money, for us, on an item of certain value that renders the cost worthwhile. What I am arguing is, thus, that there is never TV commercials targeted specifically the children to begin with.Instead, they were commercials about children, targeted specifically to parents who could spend money on behalf of children. As such, what the statement is proposing is banning TV commercials that target a certain group of adults, which, without saying, is ridiculous.

In conclusion, based on the aforementioned reasons, it should come as no surprise that I do not share the sentiment in the original statement.






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